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京都 尾之屋宝永堂 切り絵師尾之善

 尾之善作オリジナル切り絵Tシャツ&切り絵 販売ショップ

原画サイズA2(作品により違うサイズもあります。)額入りでお届け 複写版については、ご希望により変更(A3,A4,A5)できます。メールにて詳細を承ります。


黒と白の美しさが映えます。色あせしにくく、着心地は抜群        綿100パーセント こだわりの生地を愛知県岡崎市の老舗染物屋で染め上げた自信作です。

作者紹介 京都尾之屋宝永堂 切り絵師尾之善

1990 伊勢型紙の師に師事 本格的な創作活動を始める。

2006 創作活動20周年記念個展を開催、以後切り絵工芸作家として各地各所で個展多数を開催

 2016 活動拠点を京都に移し、切り絵工芸作家尾之善を「尾之屋宝永堂切り絵師尾之善」と改め、京都古刹当を題材とした創作活動に打ち込む。

Kyoto Onoya Ho-eidou

Author Introduction

   In 1990, he began his authentic creative activities under a teacher of Ise-katagami (Katagami means paperstencils)

    In 2006, he held a solo exhibition to commemorate the 20th anniversary of his creative activities, and since

 then, he has held many solo exhibitions as a cutout craftsman in various places. 

In 2016, he moved the base of activity to Kyoto, and renamed the papercutting craft artist,

 Onozen to "Onoya Hoeido Papercutting craftman, Onozen" and focused on creative activities

 based on the theme of Kyoto Ancient Temple.

Dedication of works

"Hattasan Son-ei-ji Temple" and "Akihayama Kanzan-ji Temple" in Sizuoka.

"Toyokawakaku Myogonji Temple" and "Kamemiyama Daiganji Temple" in Aichi.

"Ubokuzan Myo-renji Temple", "Eisho-zan Honpo-ji" and "Imamiya Shrine" in Kyoto

◎Permanent exhibition

Aburi-mochi "Ichimonji Wasuke" in front of Kyoto Imamiya Shrine

Permanently on display at "Hotel Ginpaso" in Aichi Gamagori and other facilities in various places


◎Future creative activity plans

 Steam locomotive Tsubame” and “the former Nijo Station building” will be created with cut-outs

at Kyoto Umekoji Railway Museum

  “Sagano trolley train” is planned to create with papercutting.

 Kyoto Kimono exhibition pavilion is planned to create with papercutting.

  Maruya Hatcho Miso in Okazaki, Aichi Prefecture” is planned to create with papercutting.

 The 4th work "Tomon" is going to be dedicated for Orihime Festival in August at Kyoto Imamiya


 In addition, a cutout exhibition is held at Honpoji Temple in Kyoto every year to match the spring

 and autumn special temple treasure exhibition.

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